
RusCrane Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation, a 501(c)(3) public charity, that has a single mission to provide legal services to indigent persons, immigrants and their families, who cannot otherwise afford such services. Your donation make a life changing impact, it is meaningful and lifesaving. People escaping Eastern European crises and people fleeing Afghanistan are reaching out for our pro bono, free legal services. RusCrane is committed to assist and to provide free legal services to those in need, nevertheless our services would be impossible without your generous support.

Please, help us to save lives!

Donate for The Specific Purpose and Designate Your Donation

Your generous support helps Ukrainian immigrants and their families seeking our help to receive the legal advice and legal services otherwise unaffordable and unavailable. The newcomers receive communication essential to their immigration and immigration status in the language where the important things don’t get lost in translation. 

The Specific Purpose includes, but not limited to:

Give the Ukrainians Who Fled to the US Essential Legal Advice and Services Pro Bono; or

Give Asylum Seekers Pro Bono Legal Representation; or

Directly Support The Specific Area(s) Of Need.

Designate Your Donation

Order directly from in support of RusCrane Law Firm, A.P.C.

RusCrane Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation, is a 501(c)(3) public charity, California nonprofit, and all of your contributions are tax deductible ( and may be tax deductible only to the extent allowed by law.)